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Suggestion Box Comments from January

Suggestion box

We have been neglectful of our suggestion box, so apologies in advance for not responding sooner.


Second floor rest rooms cleaning needs to include toilet seats, sinks and mirrors.

  • We have contacted the Campus Facilities Supervisor for our zone about this concern.

Light bulbs are out in study rooms.

  • We had contacted maintenance prior to receiving the note about the lights out in two of the study rooms. If you notice others lights needing attention, please email circulation at

Computer labs are too cold.

  • Our room temperatures are controlled by sensors that detect occupancy.  Sometimes it takes a few minutes for room temperatures to respond to the sensors’ signals.   We can contact Campus Facility Services for room climate problems. During library hours, please let the circulation desk staff know to contact Campus Facility Services about room temperature issues.  Be sure to tell them the room number.  If after hours, you may call 317-278-1900. Our building code is “IB”.  Please remember to dress in layers on our especially cold days.  Some rooms, such as those with exterior walls, are difficult to keep warm.


Someone requested a quiet floor in the library. 

  • This is a frequent request. We have a quiet area in the one-story tower on the northeast corner of the library, but it is still open to the rest of the library.  Since the library began sharing its space with classrooms, noise has been a problem. We have posted reminders, but they have had no effect when large groups arrive or disperse before or after classes or exams. We have received complaints about small groups talking loudly.  At the graduate level, we expect students to be courteous around each other and respectfully ask one another to hold down the noise if it is disturbing others.  The circulation desk also has free ear plugs for the asking and headphones to loan if you want to tune someone out.


Someone requested disposable silverware:

  • While our budget doesn’t allow us to maintain a constant supply of disposable forks, knives and spoons, we share leftover items from catered events in the library.  Sometimes we have plastic utensils at the circulation desk, so feel free to ask.

Suggestion note: “Popcorn now”.

  • We probably missed that deadline.  But we try to hand out popcorn for special events.  Feel free to bring you own microwave popcorn in the meantime, just don’t let it burn!

Requests for major appliances: Refrigerators and microwaves. 

  • Good news!  Room IB 201 is going to be a student lounge with dining spaces and a refrigerator and microwave.  Look for it to be open sometime in March.

Online Suggestion Box:

  • Someone noticed our digital display link was out of date.  We corrected it. Thanks!

This note warmed our hearts:

  • “This library rules!”

Thanks for your feedback!