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Suggestion Box Responses for February

Responses to February Suggestion Box Comments


Can we get a water kettle for tea?  Keurig has coffee tasting water.


Sorry the Keurig has contaminated your tea.  Unfortunately, we risk overloading our electrical outlets at the Keurig station if we add any more appliances besides the microwave.  While we look at options, please heat your water in something microwavable.


Would it be possible to configure all library computers so that when earphones are plugged in, the computer makes the sound through the earphone, not through the body?


Thank you for the suggestion!  We will investigate this possibility.


Hello, I am a psychologist working in the IUSM psychiatry department. It would be most helpful if we had full-text access to the Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. Many top-tier research trials and evidence-base updates in child psychology are published here, and it would be great for our faculty and students to be able to access it. Thank you for considering!


Response:  Thank you for your request.  Our collection development committee will be meeting later this year in the fall/winter to determine subscriptions for 2020.  The Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology has been added to their agenda.

In the meantime, you can order articles from our Content Management & Delivery department via ILLiad at or by using FindIt and clicking on “Ruth Lilly Medical Library Content Management & Delivery” under Use Interlibrary Loan Services to request from another library.




Want to provide feedback?


The physical suggestion box is on the 2nd floor near the microwave or make use of our digital suggestion box.